Friday, October 15, 2010

Revising Your Own Work

When writing or typing up a paper, many steps must be followed to ensure you create a great piece of work.  Probably the most important of these steps is revision.  Revision makes you look back at your paper and realize where and how everything is falling into place.  When doing so, look at the big picture of your topic.  Think about: does my paper follow the criteria? Are my ideas in order and in a neat fashion?  Am I sticking to the main subject?  All important things when reviewing your paper, or even someone else's work.  Make sure all grammar is correct, and that your paper fits your selected audience.  Also, design is an aspect you should take a look at when revising your work.  Making sure it looks appealing and the format is used correctly.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Contradictions of Michael Jordan

Since Michael's retirement in 1999, gossip and overwhelming media have decided to take on this former NBA all-star.  Excessive greed, negative sportmanship, and negative images with cooperations to he had associated with that had went down the drain.  Now he has to deal with his own moral contradictions as well as tainted success.  Being such a successfull and fantastic basketball player, all his glory and past is going down the drains.