Monday, November 29, 2010

Proj # 3

For our last project we had to complete, we were told to choose an advertisement to analyze.  From looking around and from interest, I chose a nike/jordan commercial entitled: "maybe it's my fault".  I  tried to discover the different meanings behind the commercial and try to pick out what Jordan was trying to get across.  All advertisements fight to have their way on television. They need to have strong points and a great design to draw in the audience.  This goes for all ads.  Whether they are on tv, or merely in a newspaper or catelog. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The library is a great place to do research and look information up that is needed for projects.  There are helpful resources and people there that can assist with anything you may need help with.  As for resources, there are many types that can be used such as: online books, websites, magazines, books, songs, videos, and other kinds of documents. People don't look at the big picture when doing research.  Explore your topic completely and make sure each point is covered.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Revising Your Own Work

When writing or typing up a paper, many steps must be followed to ensure you create a great piece of work.  Probably the most important of these steps is revision.  Revision makes you look back at your paper and realize where and how everything is falling into place.  When doing so, look at the big picture of your topic.  Think about: does my paper follow the criteria? Are my ideas in order and in a neat fashion?  Am I sticking to the main subject?  All important things when reviewing your paper, or even someone else's work.  Make sure all grammar is correct, and that your paper fits your selected audience.  Also, design is an aspect you should take a look at when revising your work.  Making sure it looks appealing and the format is used correctly.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Contradictions of Michael Jordan

Since Michael's retirement in 1999, gossip and overwhelming media have decided to take on this former NBA all-star.  Excessive greed, negative sportmanship, and negative images with cooperations to he had associated with that had went down the drain.  Now he has to deal with his own moral contradictions as well as tainted success.  Being such a successfull and fantastic basketball player, all his glory and past is going down the drains.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

1st Project

For my narritive litteracy project, I wanted to focus on something that has happened to me during my sports days.  I had a hard time finding a point in time where it actually taught me something that helps me to this day.  But i've come to the conclusion that my crosscountry years have had the biggest impact on me.  Through the years i've encountered strong team bonding, communication (through different ways),  teamwork, and relationships that are still going strong to this day.  This has had the biggest impact on my life.